Wednesday, October 01, 2014

New Beginnings

Wargaming-wise, it has been a bit of a "lost summer" for me and my regular gaming friends. Due to a variety of reasons we were not able to meet with any regularity. Then, to really complicate matters, we lost our rental space that has been the home to our gaming group since the 1970s! Luckily, a new space was found quickly and we have moved to a newer home.

We are looking forward to gaming in our new home and we are assessing the usefulness of extending our venerable old gaming table from 14 feet length to @ 18 feet of length. The argument is that it will give us more open space on the flanks of our battles. The reality is that it will be a strong, too strong I fear, temptation to add more units to our games... we will see what happens! :)

We should start playing more regularly in October now that we have secured our new club location and our children's soccer seasons are finishing up. Nothing like rushing from coaching a bunch of 5 year old soccer stars to go sit at a wargaming table to throw your Saturday off kilter!

Here are a few cell phone photos from our farewell game played at our old club on September 13th. I have lost my notes about the game that we played. All I can tell you is that it was a section from the Leipzig battle. My Saxon friends were on the left of our line and I tried, unsuccessfully, to hold the village on the right of our lines.
