OK, so it looks like my old method of just buying figures in a random fashion might have been better!!! As I sat down and began listing the 25mm figures that I want/need to get some units together for WW1 gaming I quickly realized how much it will cost (in money and time to paint) and became a bit overwhelmed. It seems that when I plan out my figures needs I feel compelled to add one of every possible unit type "just in case!"
I am looking at @100 to 150 figures per group that I want to represent and there are 8 to 10 groups that I want to collect!
Germans: 1914 and 1918 (Different uniforms, so...)
French: 1914 and 1918 (Different uniforms, so...)
British: 1914
And some troops for operations in Middle East/Mesopotamia
If I had sat down and planned my Napoleonic collection like this then I would have been too daunted to have ever begun the project!
In truth, it is actually nice to have a plan going forward. While the project is large it has obvious increments that make it easy to break up into manageable bits. Time to get focused on completing one of those groups so I can mark them off of my To - Do list.
Whats the old saying...
"How do you eat an elephant?
"One bite at a time..."